Package: dcatapchr

Sandro Burri

dcatapchr: Create DCAT-AP CH Metadata Files

Create DCAT-AP CH metadata files, typically in rdf format.

Authors:Sandro Burri [aut, cre]

dcatapchr.pdf |dcatapchr.html
dcatapchr/json (API)

# Install 'dcatapchr' in R:
install.packages('dcatapchr', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:



2.81 score 3 scripts 40 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:0781f90e2a. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 21 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 21 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 21 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 21 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 21 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 21 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 21 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 21 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Adds quotes to a character stringadd_quotes
Check language validity ("de", "fr", "it", "en")check_language
Create a dcat:accessService property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_accessService
Create a dcat:accessURL property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_accessURL
Create a dcat:byteSize property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_byteSize
Create a DCAT-AP CH Catalog (dcat:Catalog)dcat_catalog
Create a dcat:contactPoint property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_contactPoint
Create a DCAT-AP CH DataService (dcat:DataService)dcat_DataService
Create a DCAT-AP CH Dataset (dcat:dataset)dcat_dataset
Create a dcat:distribution/dcat:Distribution propertydcat_distribution
Create a dcat:downloadURL property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_downloadURL
Create a dcat:endpointDescription property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_endpointDescription
Create a dcat:endpointURL property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_endpointURL
Create a dcat:keyword property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_keyword
Create a dcat:landingPage property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_landingPage
Create a dcat:servesDataset property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_servesDataset
Create a dcat:service property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_service
Create a dcat:theme property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_theme
Create a dcat:themeTaxonomy property in DCAT-AP CH standarddcat_themeTaxonomy
Create a dct:accrualPeriodicity property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_accrualPeriodicity
Create a dct:description property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_description
Create a dct:format property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_format
Create a dct:identifier property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_identifier
Create a dct:issued property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_issued
Create a dct:language property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_language
Create a dct:license property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_license dct_license2
Create a dct:modified property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_modified
Create a dct:publisher property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_publisher
Create a dct:rights property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_rights
Create a dct:spatial property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_spatial
Create a dct:temporal property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_temporal
Create a dct:title property in DCAT-AP CH standarddct_title
A closure to create a function that generates a tag like ...f_gen_tag
A closure to create a function that generates a tag likef_gen_tag2
Create a foaf:homepage tagfoaf_homepage
Generate a tag like ...gen_tag
Generate a tag likegen_tag2
Indent a character vector by some spacesindent
Prepare a dataset to be exported in rdf/xmlrdf_dataset
Create a character vector with some xml/rdf namespacesrdf_namespaces
Write a character vector to a file with unix file endings and UTF-8 encodingwrite_unix