1. BFS::register_bzn
    Swiss official commune register BZN
  2. BFS::register_dic
    Swiss official commune register Dictionary
  3. BFS::register_gde
    Swiss official commune register GDE
  4. BFS::register_gde_other
    Swiss official commune register GDE Other
  5. BFS::register_kt
    Swiss official commune register KT
  6. BFS::register_kt_seeanteile
    Swiss official commune register KT Seeanteile
  7. distrr::invented_wages
    Invented dataset with wages of men and women.
  8. noga::lookup
    NOGA lookup table
  9. noga::noga_levels
    NOGA code table
  10. noga::noga_levels_agg
    NOGA code table
  11. propop::fso_parameters
    Sample parameters to run population projection
  12. propop::fso_population
    Sample population data from the Federal Statistical Office
  13. propop::stattab_101_snap
    Snapshot of STAT-TAB px 101
  14. propop::stattab_102_snap
    Snapshot of STAT-TAB px 102
  15. propop::stattab_103_snap
    Snapshot of STAT-TAB px 103
  16. propop::stattab_106_snap
    Snapshot of STAT-TAB px 106
  17. propop::stattab_109_snap
    Snapshot of STAT-TAB px 109
  18. propop::stattab_pop_snap
    Snapshot of STAT-TAB that includes the population records
  19. seasonal::SPECS
    List of Available X-13ARIMA-SEATS Outputs
  20. seasonal::cny
    Dates of Chinese New Year, Indian Diwali and Easter
  21. seasonal::cpi
    Consumer Price Index of Switzerland
  22. seasonal::diwali
    Dates of Chinese New Year, Indian Diwali and Easter
  23. seasonal::easter
    Dates of Chinese New Year, Indian Diwali and Easter
  24. seasonal::exp
    Exports and Imports of China
  25. seasonal::iip
    Industrial Production of India
  26. seasonal::imp
    Exports and Imports of China
  27. seasonal::unemp
    United States Unemployment Level
  28. sgtourism::bbox_perimeter
    Bounding Box of St.Gallen perimeter map.
  29. sgtourism::dest
  30. sgtourism::dest_mun
    Gemeinden in den Destinationen.
  31. sgtourism::dest_sub
    Subregionen der Destinationen.
  32. sgtourism::df_ueberblick
    Data used in sgtourism dashboard
  33. sgtourism::lookup_aggregat
    lookup table for region names and corresponding values of var Aggregat in data set.
  34. sgtourism::meta_countries
    Metadata used for country and region names.